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Heather Hiple
Jan 15, 20212 min read
Test Prep?
Ahh, those dreaded words, “test prep”. They are words that are shunned “school-school” and are profanity in the homeschool. Test prep. ...
Heather Hiple
Jan 4, 20212 min read
I Do, We Do, You Do
When teaching a new skill or introducing a new concept to your children, one strategy you might try is the “I do, you do, we do”...
Heather Hiple
Dec 23, 20202 min read
The Trifecta
Education is not a one-way street. In order to have a successful outcome, all parties involved must work equally as hard as the other. ...
Heather Hiple
Dec 11, 20202 min read
Should I Homeschool My Kids?
Ahh, the age-old question…should I homeschool my kids? I suppose the answer to that depends on the reason why the question is being...
Heather Hiple
Nov 27, 20202 min read
How Can I Build Number Sense in my Child?
Number sense is the ability to understand math concepts. Children with strong number sense understand how to develop useful math...
Heather Hiple
Nov 13, 20202 min read
Dealing with Our Older Children’s Failures
For me, one of the most difficult parts of parenting has been learning to deal with my children’s failures. It is hard not to take those...
Heather Hiple
Oct 2, 20202 min read
Why a Standards-Based Curriculum?
People have varying opinions when it comes to homeschooling and state standards. Some want to steer clear of anything that remotely...
Heather Hiple
Sep 18, 20202 min read
Homeschooling a Child with Disabilities Part One
Choosing to homeschool your children can be a very scary leap to take. It is especially so when you are considering homeschooling a...
Heather Hiple
Sep 4, 20202 min read
Phonetic Spelling
As your child begins to learn his alphabet and the sounds associated with each letter, he may use what is called, “phonetic spelling” in...
Heather Hiple
Aug 22, 20203 min read
Color-Coded Notes
I use color-coded notes with my students almost daily. I love them! Over the years, I have observed how they help students organize and...
Heather Hiple
Jul 6, 20203 min read
Leadership - Let's Chat
Laying a sound academic foundation is only a part of raising well-rounded individuals. Shaping our kids to be leaders, givers, and...
Heather Hiple
Jun 29, 20205 min read
Effective Discipline Strategies
Disciplining kids when they do something they shouldn’t have done is never easy, and sometimes it does hurt. But if we are to raise kids to
Heather Hiple
Jun 22, 20204 min read
The Value of Routine
Daily routines may even set us up for success in other parts of our day. They can help save our emotional energy for things to come that may
Heather Hiple
Jun 15, 20205 min read
Are You an Encourager?
Navigating behavior and shaping our children to be leaders, givers, and problem solvers is not always an easy task for parents or educators.
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